L’Eclair is available for adoption!

This is L’Eclair, a distinguished gentleman in a grey tuxedo. He has a leather-black nose and crisp, white whiskers that are like flashes of lightning. His pink toebeans are as soft as gummy-bear candy.
L’Eclair is a former abandoned pet who’s been rescued and is looking for his forever home. A gentle soul, he chirps enthusiastically for attention and for treats. L’Eclair bonds well with humans, and a home where he can have plenty of attention as an only cat will suit him best.

- Approx. 3 years old, 11 pounds
- Neutered male
- Fully vetted (vaccines up to date, examined by a vet)
- Microchipped
- FIV/FeLV negative
Please contact Dana (meow @ danahelpscats.com) to inquire about L’Eclair!